Yoga Mojo

Monday, May 02, 2005

Salabhasana (Locust Pose)

Have I done this? Probably at some point, on one of those days that made my guts sore.

Salabhasana (Locust Pose)
Locust Pose is an effective means for strengthening the back of the torso, legs, and arms in preparation for the deeper, presumably “adult” backbends.
Grouped among the so-called “baby backbends,” which includes Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) and Sea Monster Pose (described in the Variations section below), it is an unassuming pose that, like other seemingly simple poses, is actually a lot more interesting and challenging than it appears at first glance.
salabha = grasshopper, locust

iYOGA - Minneapolis Yoga Studio

Popping up like coffee shops in early 1990s, yoga shops are springing up like weeds as coffee shops did just over a decade ago. This little place has an ad on linked to a single webpage that serves as a website with just enough info to let you know whats going on.

Yoga is the new coffee.


Sunday, May 01, 2005

The Sunfood Raw Food diet book

A book on the Raw Food diet that looks very good, by David Wolfe.

Sunfoods beautify the body, mind, and spirit. They carry with them the vitality of health and life - the vibrant Sun energy that nourishes all life on Earth. By taking in the energy of vibrant Sunfood you can overcome any health challenge. The Sun is a transformer. By eating Sunfoods you can improve your life in every way. When your health improves, every other aspect of your life improves simultaneously.
