Yoga Mojo

Monday, March 07, 2005

Reading List

This is the gathering, yin part of the learning, it is also left brained, which I exel at, which when I get tired of reading, for some reason I want to do asana, the outward manifestation, yang part of the learning. (yin/yang are relative to each other, in this case, stillness/thought - action/doing)

That said, here is my reading list. 3/7/05, subject to revision.

Rod Stryker recommends - from his reading list:
01- THE HEART OF YOGA* by T. K. V. Desikachar (Classical Yoga)
02- HOW TO KNOW GOD* by Swami Prabhavanda and Christopher Isherwood (Classical Yoga)
Rod also recommends Satyananda Saraswati for more information on the energy sysems of the body. This was in response to a question about the similarities between some of the Light Body centers, the perineal bandha and the pearl in the heart. Light Body graduates will know what I mean by this.

From YCM reading list:
Light on Yoga and Light on Pranayama, Iyengar
Light on Pranayama, Iyengar
The Sutra of Patanjali, Intgeral Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga, David Swenson, which I already use as a reference for class
Anatomy of Hatha Yoga, Coulter

From Katherine:
Yin Yoga, Paul Grilley
Essence of yoga, Bernard Bouanchaud
Integral Yoga magazine


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